Including Casey's Creatures!
January 24th (Saturday) from 11-?, we are excited to welcome Jeff Briggler, Missouri's state herpetologist. "Herpetology Happens in Missouri" is the title of Jeff's presentation. Jeff works for the Missouri Department of Conservation and his presentation is one you do not want to miss. He has been instrumental in the conservation of the state endangered Ozark Hellbender, he has traveled extensively studying herps around the world and has a genuine passion for all things slimy and scaly.
Jeff Briggler, MDC wildlife biologist and the State Herpetologist, will give a presentation titled, "Herpetology Happens in Missouri," on Saturday, January 24th, 11:00 AM at the Northwest Regional Office of the Missouri Department of Conservation located at 701 James McCarthy Drive (MWSU campus). This talk is free and open to the public and is for anyone interested in amphibians and reptiles or wildlife conservation The presentation is cosponsored by the Pony Express Amphibian and Reptile Society (PEARS) and the Missouri Western chapter of Beta Beta Beta (National Biological Honors Society). If you have questions please feel free to contact Mark Mills at 271-4384 or Shelly Cox at 271-3111 ext. 1442 or visit the PEARS website |
February 2016
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