Pony Express Amphibian and Reptile Society (PEARS) was founded in 2013 by members of the Northwest Missouri community who are passionate about amphibians and reptiles (herps). The organization is open to anyone who shares our passion or just wants to learn more about these amazing and diverse animals.
President - Jonn Casey

Jonn has earned a BS in Natural Science/Biology Emphasis/Minor Chemistry with Teacher Certification from MWSU and an MAEd from Baker University. He is a member of the National Science Teachers Association, the National Association of Biology Teachers, the Missouri Stream Team, and Missouri Forest Keepers. He is currently a high school science teacher at St. Joseph School District and an adjunct Biology professor at Missouri Western State University.
Find out more at caseyscreatures.com.
Vice President - Mark Mills

Mark Mills was born and raised in Omaha Nebraska and gained an appreciation for amphibians and reptiles while camping and fishing with his family. He turned this passion into a career, earning bachelors and masters degrees in Biology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. During his time in Omaha he was also active in the Nebraska Herpetological Society and served as president. He and his wife, Louise, went off to Georgia and South Carolina, where Mark eventually earned a PhD in Ecology from the University of Georgia, working on brown water snakes in the Savannah River. After 10 years teaching at Missouri Valley College in Marshall, MO, Mark is currently Professor of Biology and Chair of the Department of Biology at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, where he and his students conduct a variety of herpetological studies.
Find out more at missouriwestern.edu/biology/facultystaff/
Secretary and Assistant Public Relations Coordinator - Shelly Cox

Shelly Cox grew up in Northwest Missouri and has spent her whole life exploring the outdoors. In 2003 she became a volunteer with the Missouri Department of Conservation, where she was eventually employed in 2010 as their Naturalist. Currently she works as an Interpreter/Naturalist for the Remington Nature Center in St. Joseph. With a special love of insects and reptiles, she finds it rewarding to introduce young people to the diversity of herptefauna and insect life. She currently owns/manages a tortoise rescue call Tortoise Run Farm. Orphaned, injured, ill, or unwanted tortoises find sanctuary or future forever homes through her efforts. Shelly also works with 4H students enrolled in entomology, amphibian and reptile, as well as local FFA groups. Shelly is the author of two youth books entitled MObugs: Moths and Butterflies and MObugs: Beastly Bugs, as well as online blogs, and also writes a weekly feature article for the Savannah Reporter.
Find out more at mobugs.blogspot.com
Find out more at mobugs.blogspot.com
Treasurer - Susan Stiles

Susan received her BS in Elementary Education from MWSU and her MAED in Special Education from NWMSU. She has been an elementary educator for the past twenty years and is currently a Title I Reading Teacher in the Saint Joseph School District. She is an active member and co-leader of the Cosby 4H chapter. She enjoys helping her children pursue their interests and passions, which includes the area of herpetology.
Public Relations Coordinator - Julie L. Casey
Julie has bachelor of science degrees in education and computer programming and has written several books. She enjoys historical reenacting, wildlife rehabilitation, and education, teaching her children, and writing books that capture the imaginations of young people. Find out more at julielcasey.com. |

Name: Pony Express Amphibian and Reptile Society (P.E.A.R.S.)
Purpose: This organization was created for education, conservation and charitable purposes throughout Northwest Missouri and the surrounding area.
Mission: The mission of this group is to further the education of its members and the general public on the importance of Amphibians and Reptiles to a healthy ecosystem. We will provide educational programs, field trips and information that meet the goal of the group. We will also work towards achieving a closer cooperation and understanding between amateur and professional herpetologists so they may work together for the common cause of science.
Dues: Monetary dues shall be determined by vote of the board members. Subsequent changes in dues must also be decided on by a unanimous vote of the board members. All funds received by organization shall be held in a general operating fund at institution approved by active board members.
Member dues are owed January 1st of the current year. If joining in a different month dues will be adjusted accordingly.
Current dues are set at
Regular Member-- $12.00 per year or the amount of $1.00 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Student Member-- $6.00 per year or the amount of $.50 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Seniors 60 years of age or older--$6.00 per year or the amount of $.50 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Family Membership--$24.00 per year or $2.00 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Treasurer shall provide monthly financial statement to be presented to board members at each meeting.
A budget of estimated expenses and revenue shall be prepared prior to beginning of each fiscal year.
Fiscal year shall end on December 31 and begin January 1.
Dues and Donations shall be used in the following manner(s)
A.) To procure guest speakers for educational purposes
B.) To establish field trips
C.) To pay for promotional resources i.e. advertising fees, sponsorship fees for activites.
D.) To establish small grants for educational and research purposes to members of organization
E.) To procure parcels of land that help conserve and protect vital habitats and populations of Amphibians and Reptiles
All the above must be voted on by acting members of the board.
Disbursements----the treasurer shall be authorized to make disbursements on accounts and expenses provided for the budget for an event in an amount not to exceed $500.00, or provided for in budget for the general office purposes in an amount not to exceed $100.00. All disbursements shall be by check. The board shall authorize all other disbursements. Checks shall be signed by any two board members.
Membership: Open to any person who has a genuine interest in the purpose and objectives mentioned in the mission statement. No person shall be denied membership because of race, color, creed, sex, or religious affiliation.
Any member age 15 years and under must be accompanied on all field trips and meetings by a parent, legal adult guardian or other responsible adult.
Membership may be refused to individuals whose goals do not reflect the goals and missions of the group as a whole.
Membership will be terminated for individuals whose activities cause direct and immediate harm to the society its members or goals set forth by the organization.
A.) Behavior in conflict with organizations by-laws, mission and overall goals
B.) Unsafe or inappropriate behavior that puts other members at risk
C.) Behavior that is detrimental to the reputation and over all standing of the group in the community
D.) Unbecoming behavior by a member while participating in an organizational activity or while representing themselves as a member of the organization.
E.) Any behavior that is in direct violation of Federal, State or local laws or regulations.
Membership will be terminated for individuals for non-payment of dues (30) days past membership renewal date.
Any person whose membership has been terminated or suspended may not attend or participate in any organization sponsored activity or event until re-approved by the acting members of the board.
The disciplined member shall have the right and opportunity, within (30) days of notification of the discipline to appeal in writing an in person, the Board’s decision. The appeal shall be heard, and the discipline reviewed by the Board within (30) days of receipt of the same.
Prohibitions: The organization shall operate exclusively for scientific, conservation and education efforts
A.) No part of net earnings (in the form of dues or donations) of the society shall be, under any circumstances inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or member.
B.) The organization shall not be operated for profit
C.) The members of the society shall not violate any Federal, State or Local laws or regulations concerning wildlife or private property.
D.) The organization shall not make any of its services available on a preferential basis
E.) No substantial part of the organization shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.
F.) The organization shall not participate in (including publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Amendments: May be proposed by a petition to the secretary signed by 25% of the membership. Petitions must be received by the secretary three months prior to the general meeting at which time they are to be discussed.
Amendments may also be proposed by the executive council.
Proposed amendments must be passed by a 2/3 majority of the members in attendance at a meeting of the Society.
Any adopted Amendments shall become an integral part of the by-laws and published in the next scheduled issue of the Newsletter.
Meetings: Regular meetings shall be held as determined by the members of the board and active membership. Regular meetings may be altered by the board of directors occasionally as may be required to carry out the work of the organization.
Annual meetings shall be determined by executive board, at a place decided upon by active board members.
Officers: Shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office shall be held for the period of one year. Officers shall be be nominated at the November general meeting, and elected at the December general meeting. Elected officers shall assume their elected positions in January of the New Year. In the event that only one person is nominated and that person is unable or unwilling to assume that office the nominations will be re-opened and voted on.
Officers shall be in good standing with the organization and at least 18 years of age and must receive a majority of the votes of the membership.
The president must have been an active member for at least one year before being allegeable to serve as president.
Other officers may be appointed occasionally by the majority approval of the board.
Duties of the officers:
A. President----To be the chief executive officer of the organization and shall supervise and control all business and affairs of the Society. The president shall preside at meetings of the board of directors. The president shall ensure that all actions taken by the board of directors or by the general membership shall be in accordance with the purposes of the organization.
B. Vice-President------In the absence of the president or in the event that the present is unable to act, the vice-president shall perform all duties of the president. When so acting shall have all powers and be subject to all restrictions placed upon the president. The vice-president shall also general supervise the committees established by the board of directors and shall report to the president and the board members where requested regarding the activities of the committees. The vice-president shall be charged with the responsibility for obtaining members for each committee established by the board members and for filling vacancies upon such committees subject to approval by the board.
C. Secretary-----The secretary shall maintain a current roster of all members of the organization, their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. The secretary shall update roster of members as required, shall process and collect annual dues from all members of the organization, and ensure registration of all members and guests at each monthly membership meeting. The secretary shall also maintain a current supply of membership applications and periodically update such applications as required.
D. Treasurer-----The treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for, all funds of the organization; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the organization from any source and deposit such moneys in the name of the organization in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the by-laws. The treasurer shall also pay all of the monetary obligations of the organization incurred in the performance of its purposes, and shall report on a monthly basis to the membership and board of directors the financial status of the organization.
E. Public Relations Coordinator-----shall in general supervise preparation and distribution of the organizations monthly newsletter. The editor shall solicit writings for publication in the newsletter from members and shall screen submissions by members for publication in the newsletter. The editor shall develop and maintain an editorial policy for the newsletter to govern its content.
F. Associate Public Relations Coordinator----shall assist the editor in preparation and distribution of the organizations monthly newsletter.
G. Member at large-----shall participate in board meetings and assist with the operation of monthly membership meetings, special events and activities, educational programs, and committees.
H. Immediate past president---shall participate in board meetings and assist with the operation of monthly meetings, special events and activities, educational programs, and committees.
No member of the board shall receive any salary or other monetary compensation for their services; provided that a director may be reimbursed for his or her actual duly documented expenses incurred on behalf of the organization in furtherance of its purposes.
Committees: The board shall have the power to create committees to assist in carrying out the mission of the organization. The board shall determine the number and purpose of such committees. Members of the committees shall be appointed by the board and shall serve for a term congruent with the appointed board members. Each committee shall be directed by a chairman who shall report upon the activities of the committee at each monthly meeting of the board. No actions on behalf of the organization may be taken by the committee without prior approval of the board. Any expenditure of the funds of the organization or use of the property of the organization by the committees shall be subject to prior approval by the board or the membership, as required.
Purpose: This organization was created for education, conservation and charitable purposes throughout Northwest Missouri and the surrounding area.
Mission: The mission of this group is to further the education of its members and the general public on the importance of Amphibians and Reptiles to a healthy ecosystem. We will provide educational programs, field trips and information that meet the goal of the group. We will also work towards achieving a closer cooperation and understanding between amateur and professional herpetologists so they may work together for the common cause of science.
Dues: Monetary dues shall be determined by vote of the board members. Subsequent changes in dues must also be decided on by a unanimous vote of the board members. All funds received by organization shall be held in a general operating fund at institution approved by active board members.
Member dues are owed January 1st of the current year. If joining in a different month dues will be adjusted accordingly.
Current dues are set at
Regular Member-- $12.00 per year or the amount of $1.00 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Student Member-- $6.00 per year or the amount of $.50 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Seniors 60 years of age or older--$6.00 per year or the amount of $.50 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Family Membership--$24.00 per year or $2.00 per month for remaining months left within current year.
Treasurer shall provide monthly financial statement to be presented to board members at each meeting.
A budget of estimated expenses and revenue shall be prepared prior to beginning of each fiscal year.
Fiscal year shall end on December 31 and begin January 1.
Dues and Donations shall be used in the following manner(s)
A.) To procure guest speakers for educational purposes
B.) To establish field trips
C.) To pay for promotional resources i.e. advertising fees, sponsorship fees for activites.
D.) To establish small grants for educational and research purposes to members of organization
E.) To procure parcels of land that help conserve and protect vital habitats and populations of Amphibians and Reptiles
All the above must be voted on by acting members of the board.
Disbursements----the treasurer shall be authorized to make disbursements on accounts and expenses provided for the budget for an event in an amount not to exceed $500.00, or provided for in budget for the general office purposes in an amount not to exceed $100.00. All disbursements shall be by check. The board shall authorize all other disbursements. Checks shall be signed by any two board members.
Membership: Open to any person who has a genuine interest in the purpose and objectives mentioned in the mission statement. No person shall be denied membership because of race, color, creed, sex, or religious affiliation.
Any member age 15 years and under must be accompanied on all field trips and meetings by a parent, legal adult guardian or other responsible adult.
Membership may be refused to individuals whose goals do not reflect the goals and missions of the group as a whole.
Membership will be terminated for individuals whose activities cause direct and immediate harm to the society its members or goals set forth by the organization.
A.) Behavior in conflict with organizations by-laws, mission and overall goals
B.) Unsafe or inappropriate behavior that puts other members at risk
C.) Behavior that is detrimental to the reputation and over all standing of the group in the community
D.) Unbecoming behavior by a member while participating in an organizational activity or while representing themselves as a member of the organization.
E.) Any behavior that is in direct violation of Federal, State or local laws or regulations.
Membership will be terminated for individuals for non-payment of dues (30) days past membership renewal date.
Any person whose membership has been terminated or suspended may not attend or participate in any organization sponsored activity or event until re-approved by the acting members of the board.
The disciplined member shall have the right and opportunity, within (30) days of notification of the discipline to appeal in writing an in person, the Board’s decision. The appeal shall be heard, and the discipline reviewed by the Board within (30) days of receipt of the same.
Prohibitions: The organization shall operate exclusively for scientific, conservation and education efforts
A.) No part of net earnings (in the form of dues or donations) of the society shall be, under any circumstances inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or member.
B.) The organization shall not be operated for profit
C.) The members of the society shall not violate any Federal, State or Local laws or regulations concerning wildlife or private property.
D.) The organization shall not make any of its services available on a preferential basis
E.) No substantial part of the organization shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.
F.) The organization shall not participate in (including publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Amendments: May be proposed by a petition to the secretary signed by 25% of the membership. Petitions must be received by the secretary three months prior to the general meeting at which time they are to be discussed.
Amendments may also be proposed by the executive council.
Proposed amendments must be passed by a 2/3 majority of the members in attendance at a meeting of the Society.
Any adopted Amendments shall become an integral part of the by-laws and published in the next scheduled issue of the Newsletter.
Meetings: Regular meetings shall be held as determined by the members of the board and active membership. Regular meetings may be altered by the board of directors occasionally as may be required to carry out the work of the organization.
Annual meetings shall be determined by executive board, at a place decided upon by active board members.
Officers: Shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office shall be held for the period of one year. Officers shall be be nominated at the November general meeting, and elected at the December general meeting. Elected officers shall assume their elected positions in January of the New Year. In the event that only one person is nominated and that person is unable or unwilling to assume that office the nominations will be re-opened and voted on.
Officers shall be in good standing with the organization and at least 18 years of age and must receive a majority of the votes of the membership.
The president must have been an active member for at least one year before being allegeable to serve as president.
Other officers may be appointed occasionally by the majority approval of the board.
Duties of the officers:
A. President----To be the chief executive officer of the organization and shall supervise and control all business and affairs of the Society. The president shall preside at meetings of the board of directors. The president shall ensure that all actions taken by the board of directors or by the general membership shall be in accordance with the purposes of the organization.
B. Vice-President------In the absence of the president or in the event that the present is unable to act, the vice-president shall perform all duties of the president. When so acting shall have all powers and be subject to all restrictions placed upon the president. The vice-president shall also general supervise the committees established by the board of directors and shall report to the president and the board members where requested regarding the activities of the committees. The vice-president shall be charged with the responsibility for obtaining members for each committee established by the board members and for filling vacancies upon such committees subject to approval by the board.
C. Secretary-----The secretary shall maintain a current roster of all members of the organization, their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. The secretary shall update roster of members as required, shall process and collect annual dues from all members of the organization, and ensure registration of all members and guests at each monthly membership meeting. The secretary shall also maintain a current supply of membership applications and periodically update such applications as required.
D. Treasurer-----The treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for, all funds of the organization; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the organization from any source and deposit such moneys in the name of the organization in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the by-laws. The treasurer shall also pay all of the monetary obligations of the organization incurred in the performance of its purposes, and shall report on a monthly basis to the membership and board of directors the financial status of the organization.
E. Public Relations Coordinator-----shall in general supervise preparation and distribution of the organizations monthly newsletter. The editor shall solicit writings for publication in the newsletter from members and shall screen submissions by members for publication in the newsletter. The editor shall develop and maintain an editorial policy for the newsletter to govern its content.
F. Associate Public Relations Coordinator----shall assist the editor in preparation and distribution of the organizations monthly newsletter.
G. Member at large-----shall participate in board meetings and assist with the operation of monthly membership meetings, special events and activities, educational programs, and committees.
H. Immediate past president---shall participate in board meetings and assist with the operation of monthly meetings, special events and activities, educational programs, and committees.
No member of the board shall receive any salary or other monetary compensation for their services; provided that a director may be reimbursed for his or her actual duly documented expenses incurred on behalf of the organization in furtherance of its purposes.
Committees: The board shall have the power to create committees to assist in carrying out the mission of the organization. The board shall determine the number and purpose of such committees. Members of the committees shall be appointed by the board and shall serve for a term congruent with the appointed board members. Each committee shall be directed by a chairman who shall report upon the activities of the committee at each monthly meeting of the board. No actions on behalf of the organization may be taken by the committee without prior approval of the board. Any expenditure of the funds of the organization or use of the property of the organization by the committees shall be subject to prior approval by the board or the membership, as required.