Terrapene carolina triunguis
They get their common name from the three toes on the back feet, but some specimens may have four toes. Legs and feet are typically olive-green or tan. Males will usually have yellow, orange or red on their legs. Carapace is olive-green or tan with very few or no markings. The plastron is hinged, allowing them to close their bodies entirely inside their shell. This gives them protection from predation.
Length: 4.5-6 inches.
As Missouri’s State Reptile, they are found throughout Missouri, but are more common in Southern Missouri.
Their habitat varies by season. In the spring or early summer found more often in grasslands or forest edges. During the late summer and fall they are typically found in woodlands. During hot, dry spells they will dig shallow burrows in moist leaf litter. They will soak in shallow watering holes and are frequently found swimming across large bodies of water.
These turtles are imprinted on a 2-5 acre home range. Moving them beyond this range causes the turtle to struggle for survival.
Populations are declining throughout their range due to habitat loss/degradation, road fatalities, and the pet trade.
Length: 4.5-6 inches.
As Missouri’s State Reptile, they are found throughout Missouri, but are more common in Southern Missouri.
Their habitat varies by season. In the spring or early summer found more often in grasslands or forest edges. During the late summer and fall they are typically found in woodlands. During hot, dry spells they will dig shallow burrows in moist leaf litter. They will soak in shallow watering holes and are frequently found swimming across large bodies of water.
These turtles are imprinted on a 2-5 acre home range. Moving them beyond this range causes the turtle to struggle for survival.
Populations are declining throughout their range due to habitat loss/degradation, road fatalities, and the pet trade.