Trachemys scripta elegans
Color varies by age. Juveniles are bright green and become darker as they age. Adults are dark olive-green to brownish in color and covered in highly variable light and dark markings that aid in camouflage. Plastron is pale yellow with dark irregular markings in the center of most scutes. Legs and head are olive-green, and covered in fine pale yellow or cream colored lines and irregular markings. A red stripe on each side of the head is unique to this species.
Length 5-8 inches, but may reach lengths up to 15 inches. Females are larger than males.
Very common throughout Missouri.
They are found in slow moving rivers, oxbow lakes, ponds, creeks, lakes, marshlands, and slow moving streams.
Red-eared sliders are the most invasive turtle species Worldwide. They are listed in the top 100 most invasive species found Worldwide. This is in large part to their popularity in the pet trade. They are shipped all over the world and many are eventually released into the environment.
Length 5-8 inches, but may reach lengths up to 15 inches. Females are larger than males.
Very common throughout Missouri.
They are found in slow moving rivers, oxbow lakes, ponds, creeks, lakes, marshlands, and slow moving streams.
Red-eared sliders are the most invasive turtle species Worldwide. They are listed in the top 100 most invasive species found Worldwide. This is in large part to their popularity in the pet trade. They are shipped all over the world and many are eventually released into the environment.